Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology — Echo Point Books & Media, LLC.

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Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology

Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology


This book is the finest compilation of astrology and medicine ever written: an exhaustive, alphabetical listing of nearly every disease and symptom, diagnosed from an astrological point of view. Replete with useful hints, including chiropractic, diet, planetary hours, colors, weather and more. An essential astrological medical book.


ISBN: 9781626545069 (Paperback)


This encyclopedia stands alone as the best, most thorough text on medical astrology ever written. The product of nearly two decades of careful study and experimentation, the Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology is the only book ever to comprehensively compile the research carried out by generations of doctors, healers, occultists, and astrologists.

Expertly prepared by the brilliant and esteemed Dr. Howard Leslie Cornell, this book explains how to use natal charts and horoscopes to pinpoint the underlying medical conditions that give rise to any symptoms presenting in a patient. A diagnostic tool of unparalleled depth and precision, the Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology excels at linking symptoms to their astrological sources. This book is the key to unlocking the secrets and immense wisdom of medieval medicine. The library of any healer or astrologist will be woefully incomplete without this remarkable text.

Howard Leslie Cornell, M.D., (1872-1938) was a naturopathic physician with practices in the US and India. In 1918 he set about to compile all the medical references in his many astrology books. It became a momentous task and the work eventually came to comprise two enormous volumes. The result of 15 years’ work is this one-of-a-kind text, which was first published in 1933. It has been widely sought-after ever since and remains the one indispensable medical astrology book in existence.