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Buy Low, Sell High, Collect Early and Pay Late

Buy Low, Sell High, Collect Early and Pay Late

from $24.95

The Manager's Guide to Financial Survival

By Richard Levin

Without sacrificing accuracy or relevance, here is an often humorous, sometimes irreverent approach to basic accounting, finance, and income taxes that shows you how to:

  • "Talk back" to your accountant

  • Answer the question "If we are making all this money, how come we never have any cash?"

  • "Win the tax game"

  • Borrow more money from your banker

If you need to know any or all of these "how to's," Dick Levin's practical book is a must. He begins with a basic review of accounting terms, takes you through analysis of actual finan-cial statements using industry ratios, answers your questions about where the money comes from and where it goes, explains why rapidly growing companies do not always generate the money they need to stay alive, and winds up giving you sound advice about income taxes.

Using an anecdotal approach, Dick Levin makes accounting, finance, and tax laws interesting and easy to understand.

Dick Levin, Ph.D., is Associate Dean, School of Business Administration, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is also the author of The Executive's Illustrated Primer of Long-Range Planning andStrategy in a Nutshell.



9781626549258 (Hardcover)

9781626549241 (Paperback)
