Traditional Oil Painting — Echo Point Books & Media, LLC.

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Traditional Oil Painting

Traditional Oil Painting


VIRGIL ELLIOTT is one of only 24 artists worldwide to be certified by the American Portrait Society. A highly sought fine artist, portraitist, teacher, lecturer, art show judge, and writer, Virgil has spent his career at the forefront of the revival of representational art. His atelier is located in Penngrove, California. The Art Renewal Center has certified him a Living Master.

Traditional Oil Painting by Virgil Elliott, 21 years in the making, has developed an enthusiastic following among oil painters. Used copies of this work regularly sell for over $150 on Amazon, order now to get your own updated edition direct from the publisher!


9781635617825 (Hardcover)

The human psyche includes many intrinsic qualities beyond the influence of fashion. Art that touches them will endure.
— Virgil Elliott

Watch why Traditional Oil Painting is an essential work for Artists

Traditional Oil Painting is a unique and irreplaceable sourcebook for those who want to master the techniques and concepts of advanced oil painting. With step-by-step demonstrations, Virgil Elliott reveals the methods used by Masters from the Flemish school to today to create highly realistic, deeply meaningful art. These lessons are grouped by topic into chapters on:

  • The Importance of Drawing,

  • Principles of Visual Reality,

  • Color,

  • Techniques of Painting in Oils,

  • Oil Painting Materials,

  • Portrait, Landscape, and Still-Life Painting, and more.

Throughout, Elliott guides the ongoing education and development of your own artist’s voice and aesthetic sensibility. Students of art will appreciate highly detailed explanations of the Masters’ varied methods, made possible by recent scientific advances and by Elliott’s own expertise in oil painting materials and technique.


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