How to Housebreak Your Dog in 7 Days (Audiobook) — Echo Point Books & Media, LLC.

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How to Housebreak Your Dog in 7 Days (Audiobook)

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How to Housebreak Your Dog in 7 Days (Audiobook)


By: Shirlee Kalstone

Narrated by: Scott R. Pollak

For almost 20 years, dog owners have turned to this succinct guide for sensible, step-by-step advice on how to housebreak their beloved pets - in just one week! Now revised and updated in this audio edition, pet expert Shirlee Kalstone's foolproof method for housebreaking your dog is available with a fresh, new, sound, and up-to-date information.

Whether your dog is a puppy or getting on in years, whether your goal is to housebreak, paper train, or litter train, this practical, easy-to-follow plan will help you transform your pet into a dependable member of the household - in a way that works with both his innate behavioral instincts and your individual lifestyle. You'll never again have to worry about your dog acting out, feeling anxious, depressed, or ruining your brand-new rug - as you discover:

  • The simple secret of successful housebreaking and understanding your dog as a den dweller

  • Step-by-step programs tailored to both apartment dwellers and home owners as well as to people who go to work versus those who are home all day

  • How to identify your dog's natural behavioral rhythms and use them to your advantage

  • How to cope with housebreaking lapses, marking territory, separation anxiety, and health problems

  • The power of praise and positive reinforcement, not punishment

Here is the essential, proven advice that will make training a pleasure for both you and your dog. 

How to Housebreak Your Dog in 7 Days is expertly narrated by Scott Pollak. 

Listening Length: 2 hrs and 7 mins

